Where in the World is God Calling You to GO?
Thank you for considering a short-term mission trip with FBC Cameron. This is more than a trip! You will be a part of fulfilling the Great Commission by going and making disciples to the ends of the earth! A short-term trip can be the vehicle for a life-altering shift as the Holy Spirit gives you a perspective of the gospel and the world like you’ve never imagined. God will overwhelm your heart with compassion, open your eyes to spiritual needs, and leverage your calling and talents for the Kingdom of God in ways you never thought possible — all while making an eternal impact in the peoples of the world. Short-term trips also serve the vital role of encouraging and multiplying the work of FBC Cameron missions partners across the globe. Each trip has been prayed over and strategically selected.
Throughout scripture we see God’s intentional work in redeeming a lost and broken world back to Himself. When we step out in faith to engage the unreached and the underserved, we follow the very heart of God. Thank you for taking this courageous step to follow God to the ends of the earth! The FBC Cameron Mission Team is praying for you, that God would working in you and through you. And we are excited for you, because we know that you won’t come back the same!
Mission Trip Interest Form
Sign up below to be the first to receive mission trip updates and registration information.
2023 Mission Trips
Trip #1 — New Groundbreaking Team
WHEN: Nov 17–26
COST: $2,800 *Exact cost at registration
There is a movement of church planting occurring in this region of South Asia. This team will go to strengthen that effort by proclaiming the Good News of Jesus, training local believers to do ministry themselves. The work is in partnership with local leaders who will care for those ministered to and continue in long-term discipleship and church formation.
Why Do We Go on Short Term Mission Trips?
- To share the good news of Jesus Christ across the world
- To serve others in response to the gospel of Jesus Christ
- To strengthen and encourage church planters by joining them in ministry.
- To partner with local churches around the world
- To equip and disciple trip participants with a perspective of God’s heart for the nations
- To develop followers of Christ called to explore long-term involvement in missions
How to Join a Mission Team
- Complete the interest form above.
- You will be notified when trip registration is opened. Follow the links in the email to apply and submit deposit.
- Submit application. The team leader will contact you to confirm your application.
- Once your application has been approved, you will receive an email confirming your registration.
Mission Trip Financial Information
- If applicants are denied trip registration, the deposit will be refunded.
- All other trip contributions are non-refundable.
- Trip participants must meet the funding deadline requirements that are specific to each trip.
- Further financial information will be shared in the application process.